Yoon aus Korea. Yoon ist Direktor einer Herrenbekleidungsmarke und ein leidenschaftlicher Liebhaber von Vintage- und klassischer Kleidung.

Können Sie uns mehr über sich selbst erzählen?
My name is Yoon, and I am a Men’s apparel brand director. I currently live in Seoul, Korea. One of my favorite things to do is collect vintage pieces of clothing. I am not very keen on collecting super rare or vintage designs, but rather a very unique or classic piece of clothing. Also, I love customizing clothes for fun.
Erzählen Sie uns von Ihrem Stil und woher Sie Ihre Inspiration nehmen?
I especially love to learn about the history of vintage garments and then try to recreate new styles with inspiration from old styles. I am particularly inspired by a few icons such as Steve McQueen, Bob Marley, and James Dean. Actually, for me, it’s more than just fashion. It’s also really about the lifestyle. Some of those figures have inspired me with how they live or lived their lives.
I am also a huge fan of the AVI LEATHER. Your jackets are one of my go-to military jackets.
Wie nutzen Sie soziale Medien?
I first started using social media when I shared some of my outfit with friends and family. I still pretty much use social media the same way today.
Most of my uploads are generally about my outfit. Although, recently, I’ve been having a “father and son” thing going on. My son is a little over two years old now and is super exciting to be around.
What must you experience in the city where you live?
Well, I would recommend checking out the old palaces in Seoul. You can find most of them in the city Centre. They are a great reminder of how contemporary and old architecture can complement each other.
There are also great cuisines in Seoul, and I recommend visitors try out as many as possible. However, I cannot decide on a favorite to recommend at the moment.